Unverified Commit 06ece250 authored by pierrecdn's avatar pierrecdn
Browse files

Documentation: detail available environment variables

To reduce the number of issues related to this.
Signed-off-by: default avatarpierrecdn <me@pierre-cheynier.net>
parent d74fbe57
......@@ -26,17 +26,9 @@ Here, we store data on the host system under `/my_dir/phpipam` and use a specifi
$ docker run -ti -d -p 80:80 -e MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw --name ipam --link phpipam-mysql:mysql pierrecdn/phpipam
We are linking the two containers and expose the HTTP port.
We are linking the two containers and exposing the HTTP port.
### Specific integration (HTTPS, multi-host containers, etc.)
Regarding your requirements and docker setup, you've to expose resources.
For HTTPS, run a reverse-proxy in front of your phpipam container and link it to.
For multi-host containers, expose ports, run etcd or consul to make service discovery works etc.
### Configuration
### First install scenario
* Browse to `http://<ip>[:<specific_port>]/install/`
* Step 1 : Choose 'Automatic database installation'
......@@ -108,6 +100,28 @@ services:
The secret can be created by running `echo my-secret-pw | docker secret create phpipam_mysql_root_password -`
### Advanced Configuration
Here is the list of the available environment variables in the phpipam container, pass them to docker using `-e`.
None of them are actually needed to run the container, this is only to tweak the behavior.
| Environment variable | Default value | Description |
| ------------------------------ |:-------------:| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|
| MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_HOST | mysql | The host used to reach the MySQL instance |
| MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_USER | root | The user to connect the MySQL instance |
| MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD | (empty) | The MySQL password. Can be set using the Web UI during the first install |
| MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_DB | phpipam | The name of the MySQL DB to connect to |
| MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE | (empty) | A file containing the password (if not using MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD) this allows to leverage docker secrets |
| PHPIPAM_BASE | / | The base URI under which phpipam runs. Useful when performing rewrites with a reverse-proxy |
### Specific integration (HTTPS, multi-host containers, etc.)
Regarding your requirements and docker setup, you've to expose resources.
For HTTPS, run a reverse-proxy in front of your phpipam container and link it to.
For multi-host containers, expose ports, run etcd or consul to make service discovery works etc.
### Notes
phpIPAM is under heavy development by the amazing Miha.
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