xhr_multistreamDelay:300,//how much concurrent requests should be delayed
xhr_ignoreErrors:1,// 0=fail on errors, 1=attempt to restart a stream if it fails, 2=ignore all errors
xhr_dlUseBlob:false,// if set to true, it reduces ram usage but uses the hard drive (useful with large garbagePhp_chunkSize and/or high xhr_dlMultistream)
xhr_ul_blob_megabytes:20,//size in megabytes of the upload blobs sent in the upload test (forced to 4 on chrome mobile)
garbagePhp_chunkSize:20,// size of chunks sent by garbage.php (can be different if enable_quirks is active)
enable_quirks:true,// enable quirks for specific browsers. currently it overrides settings to optimize for specific browsers, unless they are already being overridden with the start command
ping_allowPerformanceApi:true,// if enabled, the ping test will attempt to calculate the ping more precisely using the Performance API. Currently works perfectly in Chrome, badly in Edge, and not at all in Firefox. If Performance API is not supported or the result is obviously wrong, a fallback is provided.
@@ -109,6 +110,10 @@ this.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
//Edge 15 introduced a bug that causes onprogress events to not get fired, we have to use the "small chunks" workaround that reduces accuracy
if(/Chrome.(\d+)/i.test(ua)&&/Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Windows Phone/i.test(ua)){//cheap af
//Chrome mobile introduced a limitation somewhere around version 65, we have to limit XHR upload size to 4 megabytes
//telemetry_level has to be parsed and not just copied